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You are in control of your Mind.

You are in control of your brain and your body.  You tell your mind what to think and you tell your body what to do.  You can absolutely change your life with this knowledge.  

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Believe it or not you are in control of your thoughts.

Yes, you can definitely control your thoughts. You probably think that you can’t control the thoughts that pop into your mind, but if you decide not to put any energy into those thoughts, you can train yourself not to think those thoughts.

Instead put your energy into positive thoughts. If a negative thought enters your mind replace it with a positive one and put your energy into that thought.

It takes time to change your thoughts. You will have to become aware of when these negative thoughts come into your mind so you can do something about them.

The most difficult part about changing our thoughts is to recognize the negative ones. And believe me we all have negative thoughts.

Life's Best Lessons-Mind Edition

  1. Learn to identify negative thoughts.
  2. Learn to control those negative thoughts.
  3. Learn to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

Unlock The Power of Your Mind.

Overcoming Negative Thoughts, Self-Doubt, and Limiting Beliefs.

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