Evolution has designed our bodies to deal with the cycle of foods that are available to us based on seasons.
With the modern inventions of refrigeration, freezing, preservatives, and transportation, our food supply has drastically changed from the not-so-distant past. With these inventions we have drastically changed the way we eat. Foods that are naturally seasonal are not seasonal anymore and we can consume any food we want anytime we want.
But the diet that our body is expecting is considerably different than what we actually get. So, let’s take a look at nature and the seasons. What foods are naturally available and how our body uses these foods.
Spring-When the first hint of spring rolls around nature starts producing leafy green plants. Months go by with this being the only foods that are available. Full of vitamins and minerals.
Summer-Then as summer rolls around vegetables start becoming available. These have more carbohydrates in them than the greens from spring, but they also have a lot of dietary fiber which slows the conversion of these carbs to fat. So, carbohydrates start fueling our bodies.
Fall-Then as summer ends and fall begins the carbohydrate rich vegetables and fruits begin to ripen and become ready to consume. These carb heavy foods without as much fiber start the process of storing fat. These carb heavy things tell our bodies to store fat in preparation for winter when there is less food available. When we consume carbs, it tells our body to burn the carbs and not the fat we have already stored and to store the additional calories as fat whether from protein, fat, or carbs. Our body is preparing us for the winter.
Winter- As fall fades and winter kicks in less and less plant foods are available both greens and carb rich foods. The only available food source has transitioned from plants to animals which provide protein and fat but no carbs. Our bodies swap from burning carbs as fuel and switch to burning fat for fuel. Our bodies have prepared by storing fat for the needed fuel to get through the winter in case we are not able to procure protein and fat from animals. And our evolution has created a way to store the necessary vitamins (A, E, K, and D) in the fat that we will require when not eating the greens and vegetables that are high in these vitamins. Hence the reason these vitamins are fat soluble. Also stored in the fat is vitamin D which is produced when our skin is exposed to the sun. This usually occurs when it is warm during the spring, summer and fall before it gets too cold to be outside with exposed skin. When we burn fat for our fuel it also releases the vitamins that are necessary for health. Our bodies have prepared for the seasonal aspect of our diet.
So, our bodies have evolved to deal with the cycles of nature and the various foods that are available at the time. Now think of the possible ramifications of the disconnect between what our bodies expect to happen and what actually happens because of the modern inventions. My next blogpost bill be about What happens when we deviate from the natural rhythm of our diet.